blog post

Book Launch Rev. Nyambura

Organizing book signings, readings and public appearances is a vital element of an author’s marketing campaign as well as an influencer on the author’s level of success. Your position when planning an event is to sell to the public that you are the author, this is the book and here is where you can find it.

blog post

International Women Day

The International Women’s was a celebration, where different alliances, consortium, government agencies, women’s led organization groups youth led organizations and community based organizations met to share best practices by women in a variety of fields , highlighting how digitization has economically empowerment them in their daily lives. Moreover, we had a discussion on the role of technology and innovation in supporting resilience to the present and future systemic shocks.


  •  Leveraging Technology to advance gender equality.
  •  Utilizing technology to fight gender-based violence.
  •  Identifying ways in which women are abused in digital space.
  •  Bring on board sexual and sexuality education.
  •  Intersection of technology, climate change and women empowerment.
  •  To address the gaps that are in Digital space in reference to women.
  •  Importance of collaboration among the organization towards a common goal.

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Thursdays in Black Launch in Spu

Thursday in black was launched in St Pauls University. We wear black to:
  -Bring to light SGBV that has been simmering for years, decades, centuries.
  -Speak against violence that women go through with bosses and co-workers who not only cross boundaries but don't even seem to know that boundaries exist.
  -Encourage women who have lived with the fear of retaliation, of being blackballed, of being fired from a job they can't afford to lose to speak up .
  -To empower women to say no to the ‘ code going along to get along’.
  -To encourage women not to tolerate men who use their power to take what they want from women